Children’s Ministries
- Sunday School classes for all ages using curriculum based on the King James Bible.
- Junior Church available for children through age 12.
- King’s Kids: Age-appropriate Bible learning program during the school year.
- Kid’s Choir: Our children practice a spiritual song to be performed in a church service.
- Vacation Bible School is held each summer for all children in the community.
Youth Ministries
- Sunday School designed to help teenagers develop into the young adults that God wants them to be.
- Youth Rallies: Monthly meeting with like minded churches for fellowship, games, food, and preaching.
- Summer Camp: week-long Bible camp for 4th through 12th grades.
Adult Ministries
- Ladies Fellowship: Ladies Meeting, Bible Studies, Conferences, Outings and Shopping Trips.
- Men’s Prayer Breakfast: Meeting monthly for a time of fellowship and prayer for the family and friends of Maranatha Baptist Church.
Soul Winning Outreach
- A time for everyone to go door to door with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Bus Ministry
- Bringing children to Sunday School year-round free of charge!
World Missions
- Our church practices Faith Promise World Missions. We help to support many foreign and home missionaries and projects around the world.